About Me

business and personal development coaching
You only have one life.
Why not live a life filled with joy?

So many individuals live life on autopilot.

We take what is offered and follow the easy, logical career path. We stay in relationships to maintain our momentum. And we even chalk up physical and emotional abuse as “part of life.”

Then we wonder — “why am I feeling stuck?”

You only have one life.
Why not live a life filled with joy?
business and personal development coaching

So many individuals live life on autopilot.

We take what is offered and follow the easy, logical career path. We stay in relationships to maintain our momentum. And we even chalk up physical and emotional abuse as “part of life.”

Then we wonder — “why am I feeling stuck?”

We are taught to put up with whatever life hands us.
We convince ourselves that little sparks of joy are the measures of a fulfilling life. But they are not one and the same.

I was a software sales executive working both for startups and large corporations like Oracle, SAP, RSA Security/EMC, and Informatica, I was good at it! But I left after 25 years to pursue my new passion as a self-funded real estate investor/developer. I had 5 great years and many successful projects—then the market crashed.

Despite the economic challenges facing me, I was able to pull through because of three key factors:

  • The support of friends and family.
  • The right advisor at the right time.
  • A big light bulb moment.

That lightbulb moment came when I was so tired of reaching out for help during the real estate crash. I was ready to give up. I couldn’t bring myself to ask for one more penny. Then my advisor asked an important question. They asked me “what if you weren’t reaching out for help, but giving these people a chance to care for you.” It made all the difference in the world.

Asking for help is NOT a weakness. And when my advisor helped me come to this realization, I was finally able to break out of the cage of my own making.

Leadership and Personal Development Coaching - Garofoli Consulting

I realized that the worst decisions in life are the ones that provide just enough meaning to trap us, and just enough passion to stop us from moving forward. Selling software is what did that for me.

As human beings, we are affected by momentum. When things are heading in the wrong direction, we need other people to help us change our momentum. Advisors, helpers, coaches, mentors, whatever you want to call them — we need them in our lives. With a coach, you can learn how to be your own advocate, get clear on what you want, and develop a bigger, stronger voice.

You can implement a framework that provides you with a roadmap to success.

Seven Truths

The Seven Truths is a framework that will lead to greater fulfillment in life.


Most people are living a lie.


Many of life's issues come from under communication.


Fear and shame drive us more than courage and vulnerability.​


People generally deal with self-esteem issues.


People are under-appreciated.


People are different, and they have unique stories with unique needs and desires.


All people seek intimate relationships, and relationships are all that matter.

As a coach, I can help you uncover a meaningful life. It might be your fight, but you are not alone in the ring.

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”


~ Walt Disney